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Company Profile


The company of SSH Stainless a.s is specialized in the development and manufacture of stainless steel hydraulic cylinders, valves and hand operated pumps. Several of the SSH Stainless components are operatable with water as hydraulic fluid.
Typically, the SSH Stainless components are used on food processing machinery, both on and off shore, but they are generally applicable where the working environment is aggressive.
Since the company first started in 1989 an intense product development has been ongoing. So, if this website does not include exactly the stainless steel hydraulic product you need, try contacting us anyway. We might already have made it.
We at SSH Stainless are convinced that "stainless hydraulics" could be used advantageously in many more applications than is presently the case - and our conviction is based on economical, hygienic and safety reasons.
Firmaet SSH Stainless a.s har specialiseret sig i udviklingen og fremstillingen af rustfri hydrauliske cylindre, ventiler samt håndbetjente pumper, hvor flere af komponenterne kan anvendes med vand som trykmedie.
SSH Stainless produkterne anvendes typisk på maskiner til fødevare bearbejdning på land og til søs, men kan i øvrigt bruges overalt, hvor det omgivende miljø er aggressivt.
Siden firmaets start i 1989 er der sket en løbende udvikling af produktprogrammet, så hvis hjemmesiden ikke indeholder det produkt De efterspørger, så prøv at kontakte os alligevel -
vi har måske allerede udviklet noget lignende.
Hos SSH Stainless mener vi, at "rustfri hydraulik" med fordel kunne anvendes mange flere steder, end det faktisk er tilfældet i dag - af sikkerheds- mæssige, økonomiske og hygiejniske hensyn.






SSH Stainless a.s | Englandsvej 20-22 | DK-5700 Svendborg | Phone: +45 6221 8531 | Fax: +45 6221 7840 |

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